Items where Subject is "L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1603 Secondary Education. High schools"

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Agung, Shafikri AS and Reflinda, Reflinda and Melyann, Melani and Eliza, Eliza (2022) An Analysis Of Students’ Experience in Online English Class at SMAN 1 Mandah Academic Year 2020/2021. IRJE: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 3 (1). pp. 578-585. ISSN 2775-8672

Aldila Fani, Prasetia and Eliza, Eliza and Veni, Roza and Reflinda, Reflinda (2022) The Correlation between Students’ Grammar Mastery and Students’ Reading Comprehension. Journal of English Language and Education, 7 (1). pp. 105-113. ISSN 2597-6850

An Nisaa, Alfafah and Aniswita, Aniswita and Pipit, Firmanti (2019) Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Siswa dalam Memecahkan Masalah Matematika Kelas VIII.C di SMP Negeri 1 Bukittinggi. Juring (Journal for Research in Mathematics Learning), 2 (3). pp. 257-264. ISSN 2621-7422

Aniswita, Aniswita and Yogi, Saputra and Gema Hista, Medika (2021) Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa di Kelas VII SMP N 1 V Koto Kampung Dalam Padang Pariaman Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020. Juring (Journal for Research in Mathematics Learning), 4 (1). pp. 63-68. ISSN 2621-7422

Aulia, Fikrina and Arifmiboy, Arifmiboy and Reflinda, Reflinda and Veni, Roza (2021) The Students’ Perception On The Advantages Of Group Discussion Technique In Teaching Speaking At The Eleventh Grade In Sman 1 Vii Koto Sungai Sarik. International Journal of Language and Literature, 5 (3). pp. 158-164. ISSN 2549-4287


Bella Putri, Utami and Aniswita, Aniswita and Gema Hista, Medika (2020) Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Menggunakan Jeda Strategis Dengan Teka-Teki Di Kelas X IPK MAN 1 Payakumbuh Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019. Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika AL-QALASADI, 4 (1). pp. 63-68. ISSN 2656-0852


Chairani, Annisa and Reflinda, Reflinda and Melyan, Melani and Veni, Roza (2022) The Effect of Using Picture Series toward Students’ Speaking Skill at the Second Grade in MTSS Nagari Binjai. POPULER: Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa, 1 (4). pp. 19-33. ISSN 2963-5306

Charles, Charles (2023) Bab 10 Kinerja Guru. In: Etika Profesi Guru. PT. Mifandi Mandiri Digital, Deli Serdang, pp. 142-155. ISBN 978-623-09-3768-2


Desi Yulia, Putri and Reflinda, Reflinda (2021) Teacher's Questioning Strategies during the Classroom Interaction at Islamic Senior High School. FOSTER JELT: Journal of English Language Teaching, 2 (4). pp. 499-514. ISSN 2723-4126


Lisa Deska, Putri and Deswalantri, Deswalantri and Haida, Fitri (2020) Pengaruh Strategi Belajar Aktif Tipe Learning Tournament terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas VIII Putra SMP Nurul Ikhlas Padang Panjang Tahun Pelajaran 2019/2020. Juring (Journal for Research in Mathematics Learning), 3 (1). pp. 13-20. ISSN 2621-7422

Loli Safitri, Aufalina, dkk (2023) Sertifikat HAKI Buku "Interactive English Learning For High School". EC00202315645.


Mesi, Oktavia and Reflinda, Reflinda and Absharini, Kardena (2020) Students’ Attitude Toward The Use Of Internet In English Classroom. ‪ELP (Journal of English Language Pedagogy)‬, 5 (1). pp. 15-26. ISSN 2502-2792

Messi, Putri and Reflinda, Reflinda (2023) The Correlation Between Reading Habits and Students’ Grammar Mastery of Simple Past Tense in Tenth Grade of Man 1 Bukittinggi in The Academic Year 2021/2022. ULIL ALBAB : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin, 2 (2). pp. 632-637. ISSN 2810-0581


Novia Rahmatul, Azizah and M, Imamuddin and Aniswita, Aniswita and Tasnim, Rahmat (2022) Pemahaman Konsep Matematika Siswa Berdasarkan Jenis Kelamin. Juring (Journal for Research in Mathematics Learning), 5 (3). pp. 199-206. ISSN 2621-7422


Orin Anda, Riska and Reflinda, Reflinda (2021) The Effectiveness of Peer Feedback on The Writing Ability of the Students at The Eighth Grade of SMPN 3 Lubuk Sikaping. Indonesian Journal of Learning Studies, 1 (3). pp. 144-148. ISSN 2775-5231


Rahmad, Saleh and Aniswita, Aniswita and Wedra, Aprison and Haida, Fitri (2022) Efektifkah Pembelajaran Matematika di Kelas IX SMPIT Cahaya Hati pada Era New Normal ? Suska Journal of Mathematics Education, 8 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2540-9670

Rahmatul, Karima and Aniswita, Aniswita and Pipit, Firmanti (2019) Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematika Siswa Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Search Solve Create and Share Di Kelas VIII Putri Pondok Pesantren Modern Diniyyah Pasia. Juring (Journal for Research in Mathematics Learning), 2 (3). pp. 265-272. ISSN 2621-7422

Rahmi, Rahmi and Iswantir, Muhammad and Helmi, Helmi (2023) Inovasi Pembelajaran Fiqih di Madrasah. 1, 1 (1). Deepublish, Yogyakarta.

Reflinda, Reflinda and Merry Prima, Dewi and Suci, Hanifa (2018) Authentic Assessment: The Implementation of Authentic Assessment to Assess Speaking Skill at The Eighth Grade of MTsN 6 Agam. EDUCATIVE JOURNAL: Journal of Educational Studies, 1 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2549-4139


Seprisa, Seprisa and Merry Prima, Dewi and Reflinda, Reflinda and Widya, Syafitri (2022) The Correlation Between Students Vocabulary and Speaking Ability at Seventh Grade in SMPN 2 Dua Koto Kabupaten Pasaman. JEMAST: Journal of Educational Management and Strategy, 1 (1). pp. 21-29. ISSN 2964-4283


Viola, Brilyant Elka and Nunu, Burhanuddin and Haida, Fitri (2023) Hasil Turnitin Artikel "Interaksi Edukatif Guru dan Siswa Berdasarkan Tingkat Kemampuan dalam Pembelajaran Matematika di Kelas XI Pemasaran 1 SMK Negeri 1 Payakumbuh". UIN Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi, Bukittinggi.


Yogi Ranenda, Putra and Reflinda, Reflinda (2021) The Effectiveness of Using PQRST Method for Students Reading Comprehension. Indonesian Journal of Learning Studies, 1 (3). pp. 172-176. ISSN 2775-5231

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